Marketing Team

Who We Are

We’re excited about new ways of thinking about work, feedback, and performance management – and we want to tell the world about it. (Actually, we want to be a bit more targeted than that, but you get the idea.) We believe using continuous feedback can help companies improve their employee experience, and we use everything from blog posts to customer stories to get the word out. To support our users, we also create a ton of educational content about giving feedback and how to get the most out of the tool.

Sarah Metcalf

Sarah joined Small Improvements after managing marketing teams at Castlight Health and Zipcar. A native of suburban Indianapolis, she’s now a confirmed urban dweller who’s lived in San Francisco, Chicago, Washington, D.C., and Berlin. She’s a mother of two and enjoys biking through Berlin on a quest to find the city’s best playgrounds.

Maresch Bär

Maresch is a full-stack communicator with specific experience in content marketing and PR for workplace technology startups. His goal is to make work better by inspiring people to rethink performance management. In his spare time, he loves crate digging at record stores and binge-watching space documentaries.

Mark Jack

Having marketed HR research and consulting services, Mark is particularly interested in how performance management relates to other HR goals, such as leadership and reward. At Small Improvements, Mark works on our social presence and paid ad campaigns. He enjoys cooking overly elaborate meals, and is a budding aviation geek.


How we work

Our favorite company value is “We help each other shine.” We believe that we get more done – and do it better – as a team. Being efficient and working well together is important to us. That’s why we invest time in getting to know each other’s working styles, setting quarterly team goals to help us prioritize tasks, and meeting weekly to select new projects as a team. Each project has a designated owner and we always make sure to give each other actionable and timely feedback.

We might be a team of lean, mean, content-creating machines – but we are also masters of having a good time. Our room is never short of laughter and snacks, because enjoying what we do is the key to our success.

Our tech stack: HubSpot, WordPress, Google Analytics, MOZ, Sprout Social, HelpScout, G Suite, Trello


Recent projects

Disrupt HR - Berlin

We were thrilled to bring this energetic event to the Berlin HR community for the second time. Nine speakers shared their innovative ideas through short presentations, and attendees swapped successes and challenges in a Co-Disrupt space.

Learn more about DisruptHR Berlin →

The Human-friendly Workplace Podcast

Hosted by workplace culture expert Jason Lauritsen, the first season of this podcast series features success stories from CEOs and HR leaders. Find out how other organizations are fostering a human-friendly workplace and get inspired!

Listen to the podcast→

Walk & Talk with Bill Boorman Videos

These short videos feature native Londoner and HR influencer Bill Boorman. Check out his take on giving and receiving feedback, career development, the role of HR, and more.

Watch the videos →

Small Improvements Blog

Looking for the latest product updates or articles to help you up your performance management game? We’ve collected our favorite pieces of content about feedback and workplace culture in one place.

See the page →

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