Small Improvements Integration with Personio

Synchronize employee data automatically

What is Small Improvements?

Small Improvements is a performance management platform that helps employees grow and succeed.

If your organization uses Personio as your HRIS, integrating with Small Improvements gives you the best of both worlds in HR management and people development.

Easy Set Up

With our Personio integration, you can export your employee roster directly to Small Improvements within minutes.

We make it easy to set up your organization, so you can get started on launching performance review cycles and gathering real-time feedback right away.

Automatic Data Sync

No more worrying about adding new hires or making manual user updates. As your team grows, changes made in Personio will reflect instantly in your Small Improvements account.

Our automatic user sync runs every two hours, setting up new users and applying changes in employee data accordingly – allowing you to administer your employee database from one place.

Small Improvements in more detail

Group 29 Vernon Cannon, Review cycle Q1/2017 created 05/08/2017 – completed 06/18/2017 09:01 What did I do well? What did Vernon do well? I have learned the basics of successful pre-sales work fast, and I have already attended a number of sales calls. I have been replying to inquiries from potential customers, and I have lived up to the ideals of the company values to be honest to everyone, even if it Vernon, you found your place very quickly in the past quarter, and I'm excited to see more from you in the next few months. Your colleagues were very impressed with your speed and responsiveness, and the marketing team in particular had very good things to say. Vernon Cannon signed 17 hours ago Ricky Norris signed 3 days ago Behavior Results COMPLETE D

Structured Performance Check-Ins and 360s

Nobody loves old-fashioned performance reviews. Overly complex 360s suck.

Instead, wrap up all the ongoing feedback into lean performance reviews, and collect only 360 degree feedback that’s relevant for staff to grow.

Performance Reviews360º Feedback

Keep It Accountable with Objectives

Define Objectives that challenge you and help you grow.

Create and achieve Key Results without the burdens of micro-management.

Align to your company goals, and collaborate with others on their goals too.

Objectives & Key Results

Group 2 Learn more about SEO Objectives Q2/2017 | Due 06/14/2017 Awaiting Approval Increase sales by 12% Objectives Q2/2017 | Due 06/14/2017 Open Increase developer happiness Objectives Q1/2017 | Due 03/24/2017 Achieved Promise less, commit more Objectives Q1/2017 | Due 04/02/2017 Partially Achieved

Group 7 Created with Sketch. Star Hallie Hamilton Like Appreciate all of your helpful feedback and suggestions on making the presentation great. So good to have you on the team. Looking forward to seeing more great ideas around here! Awesome work on the client presentation last week! Number One! Mario Henderson Liked Can't thank Mario enough for the many hours devoted to finally get this huge project up and running. This is really important work for the future of our product and I’m sure it will be a big win this year already! Thanks a lot! Great extra effort! Deep Thought Lola Norman Like +12 I was very sceptical about transferring the entire team to the new tool, but I'm totally convinced that it's the right decision. Especially now that the team is growing too, it's great to see the the new processes growing into shape. Productive meeting!

Ongoing Feedback at Your Fingertips

Praise a coworker for a job well done. Request Feedback any time, from whoever you want. Prepare for 1:1 meetings, and collect thoughts and action items afterwards.

Small Improvements fuels your company’s ongoing feedback culture, and integrates with realtime tools such as Slack and Hipchat.

PraisePraise WallRequest Feedback1:1 Meetings

Empower employees to grow and succeed.

Want to learn more about Small Improvements? You can sign up for a free trial, watch our 30 minute recorded webinar, or we’re happy to show you around in person: