“I’ve been doing review roll-outs with different tools for over 10 years, and Small Improvements is by far the best.”
Before Small Improvements, we were using Google Forms at Strava. We knew we needed performance feedback software, but we didn’t want something expensive that would take a long time to deploy. We tested several tools and Small Improvements stood out immediately. It was simple and intuitive, and had all of the functionalities we were looking for – the ability to do an online review process, 360s, peer feedback, objectives, and different levels of approvals. We could easily configure things ourselves without needing to consult support. But when we did have questions, Scott from Customer Success was very responsive and helpful. There was never anything too tricky he couldn’t find solutions for!
When we rolled out the tool, we were surprised by how positive the response was. When you introduce a new tool, most of the time people complain about “yet another tool”, having to go through a learning process, or just the tool itself. But Small Improvements was easy to explain and our employees appreciated how intuitive it was. It makes HR look good when both managers and employees like the tool we select. I’ve also become more confident in our feedback process because I know I have a tool that I can rely on and get the job done.
We were impressed with how easy it was to set up a review, roll it out, and make changes in the system on the fly. I’ve been doing review roll-outs with different tools for over 10 years, and Small Improvements is by far the best. Rolling out reviews on other tools I’ve used was a real challenge. With Small Improvements, managers have a clear overview of what’s happening within their team, and can easily nudge people to complete their reviews. So the tool has not only relieved a huge burden for HR, but for managers as well.
I would definitely recommend Small Improvements. It’s perfect for any company that is Strava-sized (~140 employees), and I would also recommend larger companies to give it try as well!
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